High Vibin’ with the Dance of Peace

Editor's Note:

This Week in Peace chronicles the exciting adventures of San Jose’s own Dancer of Peace, Khalilah Ramirez. Written under divine inspiration, the column contains true stories of peace encounters in your neighborhood. In this edition, the Dance of Peace took part in International Women's Day celebrations and Khalilah shares the joy exchanged while she performs.

Greetings! Welcome to This Week In Peace where we explore the world around us from a uniquely high vibration. Arriving at the energy of peace takes some getting over things. It takes some getting around things, through them as well. What does this mean? Each day, each person makes a decision about what energies/attitudes to apply to life. Despite a wide world featuring varying circumstances, we are the creators. It's up to us to have the final say about what our truths and values are. It is worth a few minutes of our time to check in with ourselves, making sure that we are putting energies into the world that are helpful, joyful and useful. Let's purposely take our energy out of the realm of fear-stress, investing it instead into lovingly enabling ourselves to victory. Whatever those wins may look like for us, it is worthwhile. When we find ways to make ourselves proud (large or small) we encourage others. That is a part of our earthly work!

This week the Dance of Peace graced the stage at DeAnza College's Rise & Resist event on International Women's Day. It was a full house with people who care about peace and equality. It was fun to wear red in solidarity with everyone! Red is a fitting color. It represents blood, fire and the passion that it takes to rise up. One of our awesome elders speaking at the event was a lady from the Philippines. She recounted with amazement the ease of her experience marching in the recent demonstrations taking place in San Jose. It made her happy to see women, children, pets and men of all ages, races and nations come together in the spirit of peace. "In the Philipines, we cannot march in peace," she said. "We have to run when the soldiers say 'We're giving you 15 minutes to get out of here!' otherwise, we are in big trouble!" According to her words, civil uprising is not tolerated there or in many places around the world. There is so much of our freedom that we take for granted. Each day is a new opportunity to move forward in the immense arena of freedom, taking creative actions to better our world.

The Dance of Peace was the first performance of the night. This is beneficial because the high frequency energy that it generates lasts a long time. People are more focused on peace and much more likely to become hands-on participators in any event when showered in that energy. How does it work? The energy comes directly from the source of life, which is above, below, around and within all things, always. This source light affects us by our sheer virtue of being alive. All we have to do is connect with it. The Dance of Peace's purpose is deeply rooted in spreading this light vibration.

Another elder, a lady called Barbie spoke on the subject of community. She was one of the original founders of the San Jose Peace & Justice center over 48 years ago! "White hair is a gift," she said. "People will offer you an elbow. Once upon a time I would decline, now I take it!" She admonishes us to tell others about our experiences, events and opportunities that unite us in peace. "As we communicate with each other about these positive things, our community grows." True words of wisdom from someone who knows.

A personal miracle occurred when one of the key event speakers, a woman named Shawn stood next to me. "I used to see you on Meridian years ago, before you had any signs. I would honk and wave. It's been a beautiful progression. I've watched you grow."

I love this because it is evidence of positive impact that I have no knowledge of until others express it. It's wonderful to have first hand insight into the far-reaching effects of peace! Our community here in San Jose, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, the entire Bay Area, California and neighboring states have shown incredible kindness, love & support to the Dance of Peace. It is a successful, growing art form due to the amazing energy of those watching, collaborating with and participating in it.

One of the most entertaining things in the realm of peace dancing is interacting with others. So much appreciation, gratitude, honor and joy is exchanged during these daily meetings. Every act and each comment of love and support given during the Dance of Peace reflects the light dwelling in the heart of the giver. The Universe is but a mirror of our inner worlds. When peace, joy, kindness and well wishing of others is cultivated within, it will shine out, always. Some fun comments from folks this week:

"You have a glow! Even when you're not dancing!" (Thank you!)

" You are having way too much fun!" (Perhaps!)

"You have an audience now, girl!" (Interesting perspective!)

"Do you want some french fries?" (Yes, please!)

It is the highest hope that these amusing comments will inspire someone else to pursue their “crazy” dreams, too! Thanks & see you out there!

Catch the Dance of Peace:
Tuesdays: San Carlos & Meridian streets in San Jose 12pm
Sundays: Campbell Farmer's Market 11am
Fridays: San Jose Peace & Justice Center, class at 10am

Check Out More of This Week in Peace Column:
Dancing in the Realm of Appreciation 
Our Beliefs Can Expand Our Lives
Intuition is a Tool for Peace
