Bombas - A Poem

Editor's Note:

Crystal Cisneros is currently a student at UC Santa Cruz, the violence, political climate and desensitization of the last couple of weeks moved her to write poetry.

¡Soy Mujer!
I am Woman!

Llámame sensitiva
Call me sensitive


hasta que se me paren los pelos
until my hairs stand up

He perdido el sentido
I’ve lost the sentiment of feeling

El sentido de lo que duele ver
The feeling of seeing what hurts




Y Ver…
and See…

Llegamos a los extremos de la sociedad,
We’ve come to the extremes of society,

14 bombas a los ejecutivos de la política de los estados unidos
14 bombs to the executives of the United States politics

Dirigidas a dos presidentes anteriores
Directed towards two former presidents

Crece y sede el racismo, el totalitarismo, la autoridad
Racism grows and settles, totalitarianism, authority

Ego inflado
Inflated ego

Globo rojo
Red balloon

Emergencia social
Social emergency

Escape cerebral
Cerebral escape

Llámame mujer
Call me woman

Es mi sentido
It is my sentiment

Y urgencia
And urgency

Acción total
Total action

Levántame la venda de ser desensibilizado.
Uplift the band of desensitization

Apaga el aparato de manipulación social
Turn off the machine of social manipulation

Levanta la mirada
Lift up your glance

Ojos a la obra
Eyes to labor

Ojos a la primera línea
Eyes to the frontline

Sensibilidad a los militarizados
Sensitivity for the militarized

T.E.P.T, depresión, violencia, disociación social
P.T.S.D, Depression, Violence, Social Dissociation

Ojos hechos de carne de corazón
Eyes made of the hearts flesh

Carne de sangre
Flesh of blood

Pulpa de fervor,
Pulp of fervor,

de dolor en el valle de lágrimas
of pain in the valley of tears

Related Media:
13 You Are – A Card Project to Inspire Life
Every Time I Use My Grandma's Safeway Club Card Number
Stepping Out of the Pages of My Foremothers' Violent History

Tags: poetry violence women
